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She made her mainstream screen debut at age nineteen in a leading role in the 1988 remake of the 1957 Roger Corman science fiction film Not of This Earth. In addition, all but the last of her adult films were banned as child pornography.Īfter leaving the pornography industry two days after turning the legal age of eighteen, Lords enrolled at the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute, where she studied method acting with the intention of becoming a mainstream actress. When the FBI acted on an anonymous tip that Lords was a minor during her time in the industry, and that pornographers were distributing and selling these illegal images and videotapes, the resulting fallout led to prosecution of those responsible for creating and distributing the tapes. Lords starred in adult films and was one of the most sought-after actresses in the adult entertainment industry during her career. She entered into the adult film industry by using a fake birth certificate to conceal that she was two years under the legal age of eighteen. Traci Lords (born Nora Louise Kuzma May 7, 1968) is an American actress, singer, and former pornographic actress. ( July 2021) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

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